Separating Myth from Reality: The Facts about Panic Attack Treatment

Posted by yourstory 12 days ago (

Description: Panic attacks are sudden and intense bouts of anxiety or fear. They can be overwhelming and often manifest in physical and emotional reactions. During a panic attack, you may shake, sweat excessively, or experience difficulty breathing. In extreme cases, people may experience chest pains and even feelings of detachment from reality during a panic attack, so it is often mistaken for a heart attack or other physical heart problem. Panic attacks can occur for several reasons, such as consuming certain medications, experiencing stress (social, financial, emotional) that causes anxiety, a condition involving psychosis, or certain medical conditions. Sometimes they occur for no apparent reason. There are many misconceptions about what a panic attack is and what it feels like. It is important to distinguish fact from fiction in order to better understand them and help yourself. Here are the 6 most common myths about panic attacks and the truths behind them.

Category: Health & Fitness

Tag: Individual Therapy, Couple Relational Therapy, Family Therapy, Sexuality Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Panic Attack
